Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Special Thanks to Davey Boy Ryan for keeping this on a quicktime file because I couldn't find it. Happy Halloween Everyone. (Happy B'day Missus Ryan)
Yo' Joey - you're a sissy!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Alan Parson's "Don't Answer Me"
Well, The Mets didn't make it to the World Series, but to cheer myself up I found this video of Alan Parson's "Don't Answer Me" that I always thought was among the great treasures of animation. It looks a little dated now, but at the time (1985?) it blew me away.
Thanks YouTube!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
I don't normally Post twice in the same day, but X-mas cometh early for me with this homage to the stuff I used to watch with my dad and brother on 42nd st.
This is what I've been waiting for. This is what it's about. A Man, a motorcycle and a machine gun. A Stripper Whore with a machine gun leg. Tom Savini in another Zombie Flick.
This is the Robert Rodriguez part, and the others may be just some of the phony trailers thrown into this movie.
Rodriguez and Tarantino are officially GODS in my book.
PS- Fuck Ang Lee.
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Knight Rider - 3000
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Monday, October 02, 2006
Off The Top Rope

What a wild week .
We got stupid ass psychos shootin up our schools; as off today some asshole shot up an Amish school. Amish. What a dick. I hope he gets raped by 70 virgins with pitchforks in hell.
Moving on-
My brother Jeff who was out here earlier finally met his niece, gave me his other Sirius Satelite radio Receiver so I've been catching up with the King of All Media himself, Howard Stern.
It's nice to hear him again unadulterated whenever I feel like it -as his show repeats daily. I also like the fact that Mr. Sulu himself is now on the show from time to time, as he adds a really cool vocal dimension to the broadcast, as well as just being funny. Sulu's got a whole new audience out there now.
I can't wait for Beetlejuice to make an appearance.
Go Phillies go came up short by a game, but they'll be back again next year. I got to move on and watch my Mets play the Dodgers in a five game series this week. I'll take the Mets in 5 games and they'll play The San Diego Padres in the NLCS series after San Diego makes quick work of the Cardinals.
As for the American League I just hope the mid market overachievers, the" Little Piranaha's" The Minnesota Twins (a team I've followed since 1991's Cinderella World Series against The Braves, where both were in last place the season before only to both get to a 7 game WS) can make quick work of the stupid Yankees.
The picture above was a fan poster for a non-existent DIE HARD sequel. I hear it's titled "Live Free or Die Hard". I'm kind of on the fence about it.
They came out with "ROCKY" figures and they even made a "figure" package of the Meat he spars with a Paulies' work. Weird. Just for the record the Adrian figure's kinda ugly.
I've seen the newest Bond trailer for "Casino Royale" (w/ Cheese) and as trailers go, it doesn't look that bad. I'm actually rooting for this guy as the "underdog" Bond. Quick note about the details that all the Bond Net nerds are bitchin about him not having Brown hair like the Connery Prototype- Roger Moore didn't have it either- and even his worst movie (Moonraker) is still more entertaining than most of Pierce Brosnan's.
Got The Godfather Boxed set at Costco for $35.00. Nice transfer. Paramount actually did justice to Gordon Willis's cinematography - I never saw a print that was lightly sepia toned. Haven't got to watch GDIII yet, but I'm sure it's better than most crummy stuff out now.
I want to see Jackass 2. Looks classic. The first one had me rolling. Except for the paper cuts between the toes segment. That one had me squeezing my schpincter so hard I could taste it.
Saw Jayden "Tiki" Milagros Amalura Beanfield de la Vega wan Kenobi Jolie Pitt Ryan yesterday. What a cute kid. Someone get her a top hat, a clarinet and call Craig Chernov in 15 years. Congrats Ryans!
Been reading too many comics lately- My favorties being JONAH HEX and RED SONJA.
Nothing like a rip off man with no name character from the 70's, and a Barbarian Red Head who wears a chain mail bikini while killing her foes.
PS - Fuck James Joyce.
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