Meet my new favorite band: BLACK TIDE. A bunch of Teenagers who play 1980's power metal like there's no tomorrow. The sons of Randi Rhodes, Yngwie Malmsteen and early Metallica live on in these teen wunderkinds who know when to stage a power guitar solo and shrieking vocals that came from the gates of Valhalla.
None of that shitty Incubus / K-ROQ Nu Metal either. It's 1982 all over again. This time I might just grow a f*ckin mullet.
I watched HEAVY METAL again recently...and yeah I still dig it. For all it's flaws and immaturity. It's what made me really want at one point in my career to be an animator in the vein of Ralph Bakshi, and any other animation that was willing to go against the grain and give Disney's singing animal schlock the finger.
Blame my mom for this one as she took me to see the Bakshi version of "Lord of the Rings" back in 1978(?) and after watching an animated bloodbath like that, The Rescuers weren't going to cut the mustard.
Furthermore I had started collecting comics at the time and Frank Miller's DAREDEVIL struck a nerve with me. It's violent, frenetic pulpy atmosphere took place in my hometown of NYC, and it's underworld overtones of good, and evil seemed to be torn straight from the headlines of the New York Post. Daredevil didn't fight Super villains, he fought Serial Killers, Organized Crime, The Yakuza, and assorted wackos, and street undesireables, So it felt real since it wasn't so far from the truth (NYC was pretty scary and dangerous in the late 70's and early 80's).
So when HEAVY METAL opened in 1982 I tried like hell to either one of my parents to take me to see this. But it was no go. Ironic since they took me to every other type of wacky flick since I was a kid. So I had to wait for a bootleg VHS tape to fall into my lap in 1987, and I watched that movie all the time.
Yeah sure, it's dated, the animation's not up to snuff by today's standards, but it still makes me feel like a 15 year old dork, which kicks ass.
So Super Tuesday's over. For whatever reason the although I'm an Independent the Imperial Republican Regime currently in power moved me over to their side so I had to vote for one of those dudes.
Senator John McCain - I have a tremendous respect for this guy: 5 years in a POW hell hole in "Nam who STAYED behind with his me even though the 'Cong were going to let him go (that's the way I heard it at least) a respected Senator with a son in Iraq (how many other politicians can say that) but unfortunately even though he's a moderate Republican, his age was a factor in my vote.
4 -8 years ago if I had a gun to my head to vote Republican (mind you that Lincoln and TR Roosevelt were great GOP Leaders of a different era ) I guess I'd vote for Johnny.
Mitt Romney - This guy's a Canadian movie's version of what the American President should look like. So I passed... and he looks like Guy Smiley the Muppet.
So, I had to cast my vote with a Governor from Arkansas who doesn't believe in Creationism continuing the war in Iraq, Gay rights, abortion, and other issues I don't support.
BUT he could possibly make CHUCK NORRIS The Vice President of the United States? OH HELL YEAH!!!!! That I'm on board with.
Chuck Norris would find Bin Landen in a matter of hours, build up the Border fence and his breath would put the ozone layer back to normal....because CHUCK NORRIS IS GOD!
GIANTS WIN THE SUPERBOWL!!! I'm not going to pretend that I'm a die hard football fan as I only really watch the playoffs and the Super Bowl, but congratulations to my hometown team in probably the biggest upset in Super Bowl defeating The New England Juggernaut, The Patriots.
Not since Broadway Joe Namath predicted victory over The Indianapolis Colts in Super Bowl III back in 1969, and on a sidebar The NY Mets went from worst to first and won The World Series the same year, has a David and Goliath sports battle been this great.
Congrats guys I wish I could hang out in NYC's ticker tape parade on Tuesday....
As if that weren't cool enough The Mets just signed the best pitcher on the market, Johan Santana, a 29 left handed wunderkind Cy Young winning pitcher, in a trade from the Minnesota Twins, for a cool $137 million for 6 years. So now is the time to win the big one.
So The Yankees can kiss my ass.
I saw RAMBO the other night. Best action movie in a long time. Cartoon Action over the top violence, (It makes Saving Private Ryan look like a GI Joe Cartoon) good guys, really bad guys, and shitload of badass action.
No satellite micro managed action men with shades of gray and "problems"; ie Jason Bourne, Jack Bauer, Neo, and all the other crappy action hero wannabes this past decade. Rambo sees, shoots, and makes the bad men pay.
Say what you will about Stallone's other pictures lately, but when it comes to his two beloved iconic characters he's made two really wise moves in dusting them off for one more ride, and true closure for their respective stories. As was the case with ROCKY BALBOA, RAMBO delivers the goods.... and the GORE! yeah!