Just random off the cuff notes -
Kim Il Jong's got some balls shooting off missles on the 4th of July...Isn't that our thing? Our worldwide Credit's shot, we can't get out of the Semi Final round in the World Baseball Classic (finishing 3rd in games played with Mexico and Canada) we royally suck at soccer, the dollar's worth nill, and this wacko's shooting off rockets on OUR HOLIDAY? WTF?
I think Voltron would kick the shit out of The Transformers, and all you sickos who looked at Cheetara from Thundercats funny need help.
In one of my earlier posts I raved about ROB VAN DAM - recently he was given the World Heavyweight title to both the WWF and the redux version of ECW, but in a wacky chain of events he was busted en route to an arena for speeding and was found to have possession of a small amount of Marijuana. Needless to say he had to drop the WWF belt 1st on Monday Night RAW, then the ECW belt to an irate fan base in Philly at the ECW taping the next day...Needless to say he's ROB VAN DUMB
The Spider-Man 3 trailer looks spectacular, I just hope they have enough time for all the new villians they're adding in.
Roadhouse finally will get the Special Edition treatment... I just hope they explain why Dalton didn't bring Wade Garrett (I'm not going to explain you'll need to watch) who's half dead to the HOSPITAL where his girlfriend's a DOCTOR only to return to find him dead...
I have to admit that POINT BREAK is also having the same effect on me that Road House did
I love the NY POST :

I gotta find headline of the Puerto Rican kid who got eaten by the polar bears in the Bronx Zoo 20 years ago...I remember the inside caption "Bears play tug a Juan" Bwhahahahahahaha! Dumb ass kid...
I looked at Joey Rocco's site recently and he's starting to rant like a junior mafia version of GPD.
Only a month and change until SNAKES ON A PLANE !!!!
I loved the head butt that French Soccer Star ZIDANE did on the Italian Player with 10 minutes left in DOUBLE OVERTIME - thereby making it easier for the Italians (who were playing for a shoot out to win that trophy that's SMALLER than the Stanley Cup) If I were Zidane I would of pulled the guy's pants down and kicked him in the nuts, because that's showmanship. Especially with a billion people watching.
Speaking of Ass kicking the UFC (or as I call it the Ultimate FAG Championship) aired last Saturday and I heard that it sucked, and like a $3.00 whore in Tijuana. Admittedly I love pro wrestling but it's like dumbed down superheroes to me. The UFC's a bunch of hard hitting, HUMP happy sweaty dudes who like to roll around with one another playing rough house. Eeeyuck. When it first started it was mixed martial arts and was BANNED in 50 states except the one it was broadcasting from, which changed all the time. So you'd have Sumo against Boxing or Kung Fu vs. Wrestling, etc...Now it's just gay porn.