With the crazy heatwave I want to remind myself that winter can really suck as well.
Here's one for all you Philly folks- I forgot how peaceful and nice Center City was compared to NYC....
Well at least Football season's about a month and change away.

Yeah...I remember slipping and sliding my way to the studio to work over that 'spring' break senior year. Good times. [eyeroll]
looks like 12 Monkeys!
Hey Keegs!!!! How is it that they make tasteycakes in Philly again? God I'd love to get that photo!
ahhhhhh that looks so great right now! dave and i got to know each other for the first time during that big snowstrom of '94 that hit just as the first week of the 2nd semester of classes started...we walked all over the place, it was freezing but great.
i remember how quiet it was since nothing was running, even the buses...
Hurricane Lipshitz Matilda...That's F'n fantastic...bwhahahahahahahaha!
Ford Fairlane's on DVD and it's cheap!
Good Times!
Isn't that a character in 'Grease'?
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