Christmas cometh early my friends. After months of hype and chuckles, SNAKES ON A PLANE delivered. Big time. This was the first Hollywood movie that really lived up to all the publicity and hoopla surrounding it; I feel completely satisfied from wire to wire with this movie- because it didn't lie to the public about what it was - it did what it set out to do and give you and your $$ and rocking time at the movies. The Great American B movie might yet have a future my friends.
Yesterday's fun fiesta started with Cheesesteaks at the South Philly Steaks restaurant on Victory and Olive Blvds in Burbank @ 6pm. We had great debates about pop culture and the TRANSFORMERS, and - after gourging ourselves with greasy cuisine we set out to find our friend Russ waiting on line for us at the AMC 16 theater at 7:10pm. He was the second guy on line so everything was going to plan. The Crew for the night were Jon Gebhart, Keegs, Jay Warnesky, my buddy Eugene Abano from work at FOX, Kim Le, her boyfriend Ed, and about 10-11 of Gebahart's buddies at the Simpsons.
My Friend, Joshua Taback, I will note was a BIG PUSSY and didn't show up. Rrrrrarrrh!
So we're let in at about 8:15pm for a 8:50pm show and had two split rows of people. At this point I was a little concerned about the movie as the theater wasn't full yet, but by showtime it was at 90% capacity. After the crummy "Pre Show" Countdowns and a few shitty trailers (Note: I will see "JACKASS 2"; and "Tenatious D and the Pick of Destiny") Sam and his friends were about to start.
The lights dimmed and the energy level rose as I, and the rest of the audience started to cheer and clap because SNAKES ON A PLANE was finally here. I'm not going to go on a detailed account of the movie as to not spoil it for everyone, but I will note a few great audience "POPS" that happened throughout the movie.
POP # 1 - The Villian screaming "whooo" Ric Flair style as his smacks his victim with a baseball bat.
POP # 2 - Sam Jackson's first appearance in the film the house went nuts.
POP # 3 - The Plane takes off from Hawaii / and then they show the cargo hold with the snakes.
POP # 4 - The snakes are released and all hell breaks loose on the plane, there are ways of killing people with snakes
I never thought of. The audience goes nuts for 40 mins straight.
POP # 5- Sam says the line "We gotta get these Muthafuckin' Snakes off this Muthafuckin' plane!" -It was great to hear but
a little anti climactic as we were all expecting it - there was an earlier line about the snakes that was just as funny.
POP #6 - A surprise "Pilot" causes the audience to cheer his name...
As movies with creatures go this one's at the top eschelon with ANACONDA, TREMORS, and LAKE PLACID. There were some genuine "scares" that made me jump out of my seat.
You'll have to hand it to Sam Jackson for not taking himself too seriously to make this movie; and the audience participation on this one was on par when I saw "There's Something About Mary" back in the late '90's. It was refreshing to see a movie and have fun again from beginning to end; and not complain about anything (plot,shot selection,editing etc.) because with a title like SNAKES ON A PLANE you honestly know what you're getting.
Maybe next time they'll re-name a movie like ARMAGEDDON- "OIL DRILLERS IN SPACE" and I'll actually enjoy it.
Snake Vision!
Snake Plisskin!
Well alright!! Wish we could've been there...seeing it on video without you guys there won't going to be nearly as fun...but I'm glad it delivered.
I'm just cracking up at Julianna Margulies...goes from that super-serious, 'for your consideration'-y 'The Grid' mini-series to playing a flight attendant in SoaP.
Guess she's gotta pay those bills.
So there's some debate as to whether SoaP was actually #1 at the BO this week. I guess the suits are arguing about whether or not Thursday night screenings count as the 'weekend.' If they do...Snakes won. If they don't...Ricky Bobby won.
And there's also some grumbling about how the returns didn't match the hype. $15 mil...well, yeah, it ain't Harry Potter-type money, but hey. For a flick called 'Snakes on a Plane,' it's not too shabby. It's not like they won't make back what they spent.
Rocco- What the FUCK are you smoking? ....can I have some?
Wow. Uh...okay...request clarification, please...lol!
I like to add another memorable moment--
South Street restaurant. Devo's reanactment of the ending of Die Hard 3. Using French Fries.
"Snakes on a Meat Product!"
Hey, Roc...forget meat product, man...that little ditty of yours up there was a genuine JOE MOMENT.
I can just hear the music now...it's a Joe Moment...and there it is!
MAN!!!! we really wanted to see this!!!! DAMN! ;)
20, and all's well!
we missed out on some meat product? DAMN!
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