You have to suspend disbelief to acknowledge that a 60 year old man can get in the ring 1 last time, but once that bell rings and Bill Conti's famous score swells, I get goosebumps and pumped up. Plus that line in the preview, "..let's make some hurtin' bombs" I especially like.
The series obviously is not without it's flaws, but even Rocky 5 had it's moments, "My ring is Outside..." the ghost of Mickey telling him to get up,and the training montage in Rocky IV I still think are cool in their Philly Cheese glory.
So this X-mas I'm going back to the Philly Art Museum steps to raise my hands with an icon, one last time....GO FOR IT!
Ohhhh, man. I dunno. The trailer doesn't look as horrible as I thought it might...but still. I just don't know.
Being a Philly girl, I would love it if this flick actually had some of the great writing and real local flava that the first movie had. If it does, great. Maybe Sly can redeem himself a little bit for having driven the franchise into the ground.
And it'd be even better if they could go back to Bill Conti's score instead of cheesing it out with a bunch of filler tunes.
Y'know... the original is probably one of the best (IMO)ever but he's definitely been on a downward stairstep with #'s 2-5. Each actually had some good stuff in 'em but as a whole... bleaaah.
And now he's gonna try to recapture the essence of the first one? Isn't that what he said about 5?
I dunno.
i dunno either, but we'll probably bite but since i haven't personally been to an actual movie theater in a while(dave will before me i'm guessing) then i'll need to wait until netflix...we don't have any babysitters yet..or volunteers LOL!
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