Underdog- THE MOVIE (2007) Thurs.8pm on TBS. Starring Snoopy, MacGruff the crime fighting “Take a Bite Outta Crime” Dog, Jet Li as a Martial Artist with a Dog Collar, and Nicole Ritchie as a Bitch. Underdog fucks a bunch of Pound Puppies (doggie style) while trying to save the day, and spawns a litter of superpowered dogs who shit all over New York City. Jet Li plays a Dog sensei who teaches the superpowered pups martial arts, while Bob Hoskins screams at him from outside a cage. Look for the classic finale where Snoopy final kills that goose stepping asshole the Red Baron!
Featuring the hit single “Dog Wienniez” by Snoop Doggie Dog
Directed by the Spawn of Satan, Michael Bay. 88mins.
I heard there's a cameo by Triumph the Insult Comic Dog.
Seriously, what the hell? This movie looks baaaad.
Oh, god. They're not really, seriously gonna do an Underdog movie with a real dog, are they??
Ya know, Guy & I talked about Time Bandits yesterday and now it's got me thinking somebody should drive over Terry Gilliam's house and dump a big trash truck full of money on his front lawn and let him make the films that have been sitting on his shelf for years. Like the Defective Detective. To hell with his tendency to go over budget. I'm sure whatever will be on the screen will be a lot more interesting than this Underdog. What a waste.
It reminds me of the Bewitched remake, and look how that film did.
-k grr!
Preach it, LeKeegre!
Gasp! Wheeze!EEEeeeeehh!
I must have fruit!
great, and knowing our luck, our kids will want a copy of it and set to repeat
"Gasp! Wheeze!EEEeeeeehh!
I must have fruit!"
Bwa- hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahahahaahahahahah (hic).
I think I just ruptured something.
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