Happy New Year folks! In a 4 months Tarantino and Rodriguez bring us GRINDHOUSE which happily looks like all the crap I used to watch with my father on 42nd Street... I'm glad these types of films that both the commercial and elite film buffs normally would snub their noses at, are finally getting their due.
Maybe Dyanna Thorne or Sybill Danning will finally now get their shot on INSIDE THE ACTOR'S STUDIO, and The films of Enzo G. Castillari (Great White, 1990's Bronx Warriors, and The Inglorious Bastards, the title of the WW2 Tarantino script) will get the Criterion treatment.
Kurt Russell welcome back to badassville!
Holy crap
but...I spotted "Nemo" , co-starring with the Kurt.
The theater we saw 'Rocky' in had a huge stand-up for this, with a bunch of stills...man, that looks like it's gonna be a good time. I'm just sorry we won't be there to see it with y'all...that would make it even better!
Oh, yeah...I saw Airbag Lips too. Ick. I can only hope Kurt runs her over with the car.
we really cannot wait to see this one :)
i guess we better start looking for a babysitter now...
Maybe ol' Nemo (love that one, Keegs) will be permanently mounted to the steering wheel of Kurt's Nova. Considering the old 70's muscle cars didn't have air bags, she'd be a good aftermarket addition.
I f@#kin' hate that chick...(She was a real Biatch on 24-03) Please Kurt, run that bitch into the asphalt....
"Nemo" was from Devo.
That was his nickname for her.
Giving credit where it's due
Nemo: Jack Baaauuuuueer!!!
Sorry, season 3 flashback
Given those preposterous lips gettin' in the way of normal human speech, I can only imagine that ol' Nemo would maybe sound somethin more like: Jschajchaaaaack Baaaaaawaaaaaahhhhhhsshhp!!!
Maybe some day she'll get 'em stuck in an air conditioning unit and she'll be whirled to death.
Wouldn't that be fun?
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