This Monday Van Halen gets elected into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Let me tell you I hope a these guys BEAT the SHIT out of one another. The band isn't even going to play together on stage, as Scott Weiland and Slash will be playing their stuff on stage. What a bunch of tools.
This is the band that keeps breaking up and making up. They just cancelled a 40 city tour with David Lee Roth, as the Van Halen brothers and now Wolfgang ( Eddie's son, who replaced Michael Anthony on bass) can't get along with Roth. I was skeptical in the beginning when I heard of an attempt of a tour, because it'd be too good to be true. Plus, I'm real particular when bands reunite because it still isn't the original lineup. Which explains why I won't shell out the $$ for The EAGLES as Don Felder was kicked out; and yes, Nickleback and Coldplay can kiss my ass. While I'm on it, Good Charlotte sucks Gary Cherone's hairy brown taint.
I grew up on the early Van Halen David Lee Roth stuff, and saw them live at MSG in 1983. It was the one of the greatest live ROCK shows I ever saw. Seeing Paul McCartney was amazing too but he didn't hump a giant inflatable microphone and spray some female hardbodies in the front row with JD. Iron Maiden's POWERSLAVE tour with the Egyptian Backdrop comes a close second.
David Lee Roth is the greatest frontman in the history of Rock. As for the Van Hagar stuff, I'll give them 5150, but the rest of those albums were just mediocre. Sammy Hagar as talented as he is can't hold Roth's jock, and as for Cherone, Joe Lampone's the only hardcore goofball to actually buy Van Halen III, and he wanted so badly to like that album.
Anyway here's a sampling of the good old days...
Shame about the tour...I guess. But man, who'd have thought such a bunch of quintessential dudes could have as much soap going on as any bunch of teenage girls. Yikes.
My favorite Heavy Metal Memory is of me and Floyd goin' to see Diamond Dave with RonnieJamesDio (intentionally all one word) opening up for him.
The show sucked major amounts of rotting clown ass but walking around the Hampton Roads Coloseum, watching the Heavy Metal Chicks get into Heavy Metal Catfights was plain awesome.
Them wimmen didn't know the meaning of mercy!
rotting clown ass --
Damn you Donovan. Another one burned into my brain.
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