Saturday, June 09, 2007

ROLLING ROCK BEER Presents - "Play Balls!"

Rolling Rock beer creates this commercial. It's funny. Too funny (I think). So the watchdog a-hole groups pull it because it's so called "indecent".

But when was the last time anyone remembered a Rolling Rock commercial?

I smell conspiracy between the Miller Brewing Co., Lobbiests at Washington, the Religious Right and Superstation TBS.

WARNING if you're a dude wear a cup before watching.


I saw this commercial back in 1991(?) and laughed my ass off.

It's the fake pee that gives it that extra umph.


Anonymous said...

I have to say, I think the beer commercial is funny. At first I thought the getting hit in the nuts jokes would get stale quickly. But I really liked it. the best is the horse getting it.

Now the baby pee commercial...good Lord. Ugh! The yellow stream that's pouring out made me gag

I'm glad I had my Baby Alive , which only peed water because that's what went in her bottle. She pooed some harmless jelly stuff too [whatever was in the baby foood mix]


TheOneTrueGuy said...

The Rolling Rock ad is a classic. I definitely think they should put it back on the air. My favorite though isn't the horse, it's the ball hitting the bottle at the end followed by a gush of foamy beer.

Very subtle!

Personally I think that there needs to be a "Baby Schitzalotte" doll that suffers volcanic diarrhea. Now THAT's a doll that'd be fun to have around the house!

chats said...

I saw ideas for some more great beer commercials here: