Some wait for gay robots in disguise. I waited for a PG-13 John McClane. Scratch that- a NC-17 JOHN RAMBO and a body count to rival a night in Fallujah.
My only regret is that he's not killing in Afghanistan killin' some of those Al-Qeda suckholes over there. The ultimate Right Wing poster boy for American might reduced to kickin' the crap outta The "evil" Burmese?
I don't remember the last time I had heard a Burmese Holy Warrior blowin themselves up in Scotland recently...
Here he is looking for Bin Laden in the original opening....

ok, i admit, i have never seen any of the rambo films.
sorry guys!
that being said, if some dude looking like him tells me not to go to burma..i would try and listen to him and not go over there...just me and my way of thinking i guess :)
Oh man!
It's this summer's "Snakes on a Plane"
You know exactly what you're gonna get.
All the good disembowlment scenes are in the trailer
I thought this was gonna be called "John Rambo" and have Spider Rico washin' dishes in some Vietnamese noodle shithole sayin' that Buddha wanted him to do it.
I guess maybe they shot their Trashcanistan wad early in Pt. III, huh? Seems more relevant now but, oh well.
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