After being stationed in Yuma, AZ he designed the popular T-Shirt below.

The past has a way of catching up with you...Before the Border Patrol...Before the Hollywood Animation Years...Before the UArts years... It seems when he was in the military back in the early 80's he dropped a bucket of nasty, gray, shitty smelling mop water from a tower on some Puerto Rican dude named Cruz ruining his day, but created a classic anectode for Guy to tell his college buddies some years later.

(ex-Private Cruz Velasquez Photo credit: Keegan images)
I recieved an email from Cruz (now a manager at a local Taco Bell after his bitter divorce from Film Editor Stacy Clipp that left him impotent and destitute) , and he sent the following footage of Donovan on a USO tour of Scandanavia.
Yes, Sgt. Guy was in fact a Disco lovin' hipster, not the Pink Floyd Denim jacket biker dude we all thought he was when we met later on. That was all a cover up.
According to sources he was frequently seen at Roller Disco Rink THE ROXXY in New York hitting on such notables as Jade Jagger, and doing the Hustle with Models like Lauren Hutton. He even auditioned for a bit part in "Can't Stop the Music" the Villiage People's film bomb starring Steve Guttenberg
Quite frankly I don 't think even his wife knows this, but the truth must now be exposed....
A Group photo of his defunct pop band...GABA...before he was kicked out of the band.

Story goes they were supposed to open for Hall and Oats on their H20-82 Euro Tour (sponsored by Evian) but back stage tensions flaired when Donovan decided he didn't want to sing back up vocals on their hit song "Trans Euro X-press" (# 678 Billboard Charts US) a Kraftwerk cover. John Oats then intervened to get the show rolling, and furthermore demanded that both men shave off their facial hair as that was his trademark. Not willing to sell out, Donovan and Oats got into a fistfight that left both men bloodied and bruised. According to legend, Darryl Hall wept silently in a corner.
The Tour went on and GABA was replaced by Kajagoogoo.
With bearded facial hair seemingly dragging him down artistically, Donovan shaved off the beard and goes for the Burt Reynolds style mustache, his friends Michael McDonald, and Kenny Loggins encouraged him to try his hand at lead vocals.
Produced by Buckner and Garcia (the musicans responsible for the one hit wonder "Pac Man Fever") this cover of a Villiage People song peaked at #4 on the Finnish Musical charts that year, and was on the Korean Rock SCORE at #58 as well.
I want to thank Manager Cruz Velaquez of Taco Bell Burbank district 9a from the bottom of my heart for this outstanding footage and material.
Furthermore also apologize about not paying for my bean burrito at the drive through. I was on the can for several hours the next morning so we're even.
Words cannot describe what you are about to witness....and now the piece de la resistance....
Guy Donovan circa 1983(?) singing a most excellent Disco classic!
Video Courtesy of Cruz Velasquez Enterprises Inc. via You TUBE