I don't think I laughed this hard with a ROCKIN' audience since "There's Something About Mary" 9 years ago.
Is this the funniest movie of all time? Oh hell yeah...I don't mean to over hype this but if you liked "The 40 Year Old Virgin" or even watched an episode of "Freaks and Geeks" you'll get the lowbrow humor mixed with sweetness that is the motif of the Judd Apatow canon of comedy.
It also raises the bar on the teen genre comedy and quite simply blows it to smithereens. "American Pie" looks like amateur filmmaking compared to this - Superbad is on the level of "American Graffitti, "Dazed and Confused" "The Graduate" and some of the early John Hughes teen schmaltz coming of age films in the 1980's.
Plus it's about a bunch of dorks who can't get dates who try to score beer to get laid. Can I relate? Absolutely. Even if you remove the absurd comedy of Superbad, the dialogue is honest, and true. I've had every conversation those dudes had with my buddies growing up in NYC a thousand times. So I was cringing while laughing my ass off.
I also loved it because it introduces Michael Cera of "Arrested Development" (one of my personal favorites) to a new audience and will put him in the stratosphere, and furthermore will find more filmwork for newly discovered wunderkind Christopher Mintz-Plasse who steals the movie as Fogel. Jonah Hill, who plays the young Seth Rogen is fantastic as well.
So fall is upon us which means pretentious Hollywood -adult bullshit about movies that will change the world get the Oscar....blah...blah blah...Serious Filmmaking Season ....."Rendition" anyone? ""Golden Compass"....Fucking "Javier Bardem Films" getting any takers? Eeeyuck. Although AMERICAN GANGSTER looks badass....
But the one film I'm really looking forward to: "BE KIND REWIND"
I need to see this again, only because it put me in such a good mood afterwards.
Heard it was a blast. Wish we'd been there to see it with y'all.
Yeah...it would've been ever more SUPERBADASS if Los Donovans would've been there...
That's Los Tres Donovans!
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