That's right people - 16 time World Champion RIC FLAIR. Whoooooooooo! This man is the God's gift to the masses. Ask them all around the world - from sea to shining sea, from Paris, France to Paris Texas - Ric Flair, Cool hand Ric, Slick Ric- the limousine ridin', stylin' and profilin' kiss stealin' son of a bitch- if you know what I'm talkin' about; he's more exicitng than SPACE MOUNTAIN BABY! Whoooooo!
Who defeated Harley Race in a steel cage back in Kansas City in 1982? Ric Flair that's who!
Who was the flagship for Wrasslin's original gang, THE FOUR HORSEMEN before the nWo? RRRRIC FLAIR!
Who won the Royal Rumble in 1992 (viewed by yours truly at the behest of my film professor Peter Rose in the Film screening room back in college) by defeating 29 other men to become the WORLD WRESTLING CHAMPION? RIC FLAIR that's who!
Who'll defeat the Taliban and the worldwide Jihad against the West? RIC FLAIR that's who!
Who should deliver a knife edge chop across the chest of Brian Boitano? The Nature Boy Ric Flair!
Who would deliver an illegal thumb to the eye of President George W. Bush? Whoooooo!
Who had gay cowboy sex with Jake Gyllenhaal in a pop tent in Depford NJ? - Joe Lampone!
Who should win the BEST OSCAR ACTOR @ this year's Oscar's ? RIC FLAIR buddy!
Why all the fanfare, why all the ranting? Why all the tributes, and love for this man? Because he is the greatest in his field....
When we live in a time where entertainers, and athletes are overpaid for their profession, and they whine, piss and moan about this and that.....RIC FLAIR PEOPLE - Whooooo! Gives me hope.
At 54 years old, still on tour with the WWF 200+ days out of the year, from the house shows, (non televised wrestling events) to the "live" tapings, to the PPV's Ric Flair's done it all - Cage matches, Table ladder and chair matches, to recently winning the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP he'll give you more bang than a hooker for a buck than most actors and athletes in the world today.
Let's see Brad Pitt put his body on the line night after night taking bump after bump, oh wait - he lives with that batty knife wielding Asian baby adopting (mom?) nutjob with niiiice boobies Angelina Jolie
I'd like to see Sean Penn purposely blade himself the bloody forehead) to "pop" and audience...Spicolli wouldn't do it because he doesn't give a rats ass about his audience. This man does; and he has for over 30 Years.
When I read about some jackass like Terrell Owens (waaahh! I only make millions for carrying a football) acting like a douche and throwing the Eagles season in toilet.... I know I have RIc Flair and his lethal figure four leg lock to keep me happy.
Plus no one can work the mic or a crowd LIVE like Slick Ric; oh wait maybe THE ROCK- but he'll admit that he's ripping off the master himself.
Who has arguably the most essential Wrestling DVD ever put together?
(http://www.bestprices.com/cgi-bin/vlink/651191565504IE?source=froogle) if you're interested for a peek
So as I kick off my blog- I want YOU ALL to bow down and give homage to the man. WHOOOOOOOOOOO!
(cue the theme from 2001)
By the way I'm getting one of those robes.
(Photo Credit the WWE)
Chuck Norris has chunks of quys like Ric Flair in his stool
We need "What would Ric Flair do?" bumper stickers,
and he needs a power ballad too.
joey needs some gay cowboy sex, he might enjoy himself for a change...for me to POOP on!
I say AMEN! Praise the lord! No! Praise Ric Flair!
I'm so glad you finally got your blog going, man. It's going to be one of the greatest ever, I can already tell. You're a natural.
Btw...turn on the word verification setting or else you're gonna get spammed like crazy.
YEAH!!!!! I said YEAH!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Guys with robes, I love it. My hero is a Jedi and I already GOT a robe. Naaaa na na naaaaa na!!!!
AND I AINT F@#$%@KIN GAY!!!!!!!
Lampone rhymes with bone. 'Nuff said!
The man's got damn nice hair!
Brother Voodoo is one of my favorite B-Team MARVEL COMIC heroes from the 1970's, for all you keeping score out there.
Personally I always felt more appreciation for Rowdy Roddy Piper. Any guy who feels comfortable in a kilt and makes movies like 'Hell Comes to Frogtown' and 'They Live!'(Put these on! F you!) is allright in my book!
-Classically not Lori.
"Daddy don't like tattletails...." BLAMMO!
awesome. check out my story about meeting ric flair: http://www.halfcute.com/2009/01/im-ric-flair.html
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