Thanks to Chris Poggialli for providing the pictures above and below -That's right folks Samuel L. M'fn Jackson's next picture is "SNAKES ON PLANE" about an assassin trying to kill a passenger on an airbus by releasing deadly snakes. I don't know about you but I AM SO M'F'KIN THERE!!!!
Check out some pix here http://www.blackfilm.com/20050819/features/snakesonaplane.shtml
As Quentin would say: "Moviemaking straight from the TELVIS!"

I really want the bottom photo to be the film's poster.
I hope they have an anaconda on the flight. Maybe hiding in one of the restroom stalls. Then it eats Jon Voight and regurgitates him later on. If they can't get Voight, somebody else from his acting caliber. Like Walken. Or the Carradines. All o' em. Eaten and regurgitated. Now there's a movie.
"Or the Carradines. All o' em. Eaten and regurgitated. Now there's a movie."
Wasn't that "The Long Riders"?
Sam's one of the very few who could actually pull that off.
even indiana jones didn't like snakes...i'm so there to see this one!
Snakes on a Plane opens on August 18th 2006.
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