There is nothing funnier to me than 3 numbskulls verbally and physically abusing each other with dangerous items like hot irons, clubs, plates bear traps, guns, baseball bats and of course the deadliest of them all Moe Howard's index and middle fingers...
Although Curly's episodes were the best I have to admit that Shemp was pretty damn funny too. Curly Joe kinda sucked.
Hey Moe! Look! Goils... Nyuck nyuck nyuck!
(isn't that annoying?)
Ahhh, the Stooges. What little boy didn't want to grow up and be one of them. What little boy doesn't eventually grow up and find out that he IS!
Irony... damn it's filthy, stinking paws!
Stooges will always rule. Actually, Larry was my favorite.
Calling Dr.Moe. Dr. Larry. Dr. Curly.
Curly: Moe! Larry! The Cheese! Moe! Larry! The Cheese!
[one of my favorites]
I always laugh when one of the Stooges gets tossed in the air or falls out of window, and the film cuts to a wide view and you see a very obvious dummy flying in the air--- and usually landing on somebody
NIAGRA FALLS!!!!...slowly I turned, step by step, inch by inch...
when i see this all i keep thinking of is that dumb song, the curly shuffle....and i CAN'T get rid of it!!!!
-little d
Nothing polarizes men and women as much as the "stooges. there are exceptions of course.
similar to if you like rush or not? ;)
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