So I've been busy with school, life, holiday madness etc...etc...so I haven't had a chance to blog until now.
Since my last post on Nov.19th-
Evel Knievel passed away, from cancer ironically, and not from crazed jump over the Grand Canyon.

Via Con dios Evel....I never will get to see jump over that shark tank.
That Sumbitch Ike Turner bit the big one too (see the NY Post article below....classic)

I watched Michael Moore's "SICKO" and really want to move to France (the day I live in Paris will be the GREATEST day in my life). This was by far the scariest movie of the year, and I applaud him for sticking it to the man in D.C. by showing what a sham our health care system is in this country.
The best part was the American 9/11 rescue workers being denied access to American doctors in Guantanamo Bay while 20 prisoners tied to the bombings were given the best health care you could imagine. Then having Cuban doctors heal basically for free, while they're all either denied health care here, or were charged outrageous amounts, made me sick to my stomach.

Propaganda? Sure. But when we have a system where hospitals won't treat you because you're not insured there, or that the administrators make more money by denying claims is nuts. I'm all for socialist system if it can help.
Bought SUPERBAD; and yes it's still the greatest American film of all time. Speaking of which I saw BLADE RUNNER's new, new, new, new, version out on the shelves. You still can't add polish to shit and make it look better.
Saw it as a kid didn't like it. Saw it later found it ponderous and slow, although I did kinda like the atmosphere. Saw all the director/ definitive cuts, and quite frankly other than the visuals I really couldn't give a shit if Deckard is a fucking robot or not.
I say put in footage from Stanley Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket and act as if Deckard and that robot bitch ended up dead in 'Nam. PS Vangellis can kiss my ass. I liked the movie later when it was called BLACK RAIN.
Got my daughter into watching SCHOOL OF ROCK with Jack Black. Thank god, as the repeated viewings of Barbie movies where starting to wear thin. Now if she can only watch Scarface.....
The Mitchell report on MLB came out last week. No surprise here that a assload of ballplayers got themselves in trouble with wacky substances. My take: they make enough money and players to start a Steroid league. Call it the SMLB push the fences to 500 ft (center field is on average 400ft) add ANOTHER base. Move the pitcher mound another 5 feet away from home plate. Juice all the players, and give them alluminum bats. You know that the 'roid rages would give to a fight EVERY game.
The Eagles came out with a new album and Led Zeppelin got back together again. Now if only .38 Special would get off their asses and do something new.
As for me I'm back to my old self of yesteryear causing chaos in school with wacky edits of the material provided; in this case it was some cheesy movie called "Benedict Arnold". Most everyone edits the movie in sequence, but I thought I give it my usual spin:
As a Stephen J Cannell '80's esque sitcom
As the New Michael Mann' Miami Vice teaser:
As for the Indy 4 poster above, I'm happy he's back. I can't wait for this movie. Sure the script will be cheesy (maybe Frank Darabount's script was too depressing. You can only watch the Shawshank Redemption so many times and not want to kill yourself. Ditto for the Green Mile.) He looks older, but still it's the role he's known for.

The movie that's gonna kick everyone's ass is THE DARK KNIGHT. Heath Ledger's Joker's gonna make Jack's look like your drunk uncle on labor day telling crass jokes.

This fucker's a real psycho.
Here's the preview:
But in January 2008 goes off with bang from RAMBO IV!

Your posts always have some real good zingers.Like I just been bitched slapped or something.
that's all I have to say for now...
I can't see the vids! Did they nail you for copyrighted stuff again?
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