Happy X-mas, Kwanzaa, New Year everyone!
I got a chance to see Tim Burton's apology for Planet of the Apes- SWEENEY TODD and I must proudly admit I brought my 13 year old niece to see this sing along blood bath and she F*&kin' loved it! Kudos to Timmy B for not pussin' out and spraying the karo syrup all over the barber shop a la Gwar. Music's good too.
I guess all those wacky Goth kids finally have a musical they can all gleefully mope too. (Be sure to put out your black candles and open the shades when the show's over)
Besides SUPERBAD, this was one film that I knew was worth the wait.
Also if you've tried to log on to YOUTUBE to watch any of my videos....well, sorry folks, that's all she wrote. My account has been SUSPENDED. Hee hee hee. I guess I flew too close to the fire with copyrighted material.
Now, if you're wondering why I'm not pissed, well I 'd rather get lifelong detention than sent to jail and have Ahmed's porksword stuck up my brown for screwing around with mashups.
C'est la vie.
So we started this week Sweeney Todd and also found ourselves (Shelley, Me and Taylor) in the 40th Anniversary Edition Supplemental DVD disk of THE SOUND OF MUSIC. It's during the Sing Along Documentary at the H'wood Bowl in 2005. We're in it verry,verry briefly during the costume montage sped up sequence. Cool though. That's 2 DVD's I've squirmed my way into.
I also watched JUNO which was good as well but as was the case with little indie flicks this time of year isn't as great as all the hype makes it out to be. Michael Cera is superb as slways.
Big suprise for me was how much I dug Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymoore in MUSIC AND LYRICS. HG's the other guy in a "Wham!" type of Eighties band who gets another shot at the limelight from a Britney Spears type who's a big fan of his past music. If the opening video that starts off the movie doesn't grab your '80's inner child then you're probably an older dude or dudette.
Sure it's H'wood formula, but it's the kind that worked for me. Plus unlike those bombastic epic Hollywood movie romances where someone ends up dead at the end of the movie, and you've wondered why the fuck you've wasted 21/2 hours of your life being watching this shit when they all end up miserable at the 3hr mark (ROMEO & JULIET Baz, Zefferelli, TITANIC
ATONMENT, LOVE STORY, BROKEBACKMOUNTAIN,) this movie has a happy ending, that's not too schmaltzy.
NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION #1 - No more miserable movie dramas with stupid depressing endings that ride the cineste's pretentious bandwagon that get a shitload of awards at the end of the year. Plus the people that like to wax intellectual about those movies never saw Roadhouse.
Life's too short to waste my muthaf'n time with fictional whiny adults that I paid money to watch go through "real" problems.
Unless Tenacious D's doing the score.
So whatever George Clooney's next politico adult drama ("Michael Clayton" anyone?) I'll sit out and watch BLADES OF GLORY for the upteenth time.
Speaking of pretentious shit, if anyone can tell me why Disney spent 3 billion dollars on Pirates III please let me know. Between the budgets of Pirates II and III and Matrix 2 and 3 we could've cured cancer already.
So on a happy note here's my favorite band of the moment- TENACIOUS D!
Tim made up for Planet when he did Sleepy Hollow, well for me anyway, that's my favorite.
Congrats on the Sound of Music.What's the other dvd you are in?
"Ahmed's porksword"--
ok, that's permanently in my brain storage [along with Agent Guy's colorful phrases]
Happy '08
Heard Johnny Depp scored an acting nom for Sweeney Todd. Cool.
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