I cannot wait for this movie. It opens on March 31st and looks CRAPTASTIC. If the Theater owners and the Heads of Studios are worried about attendance being down this year- wait no more, this movie really is going to prove once an for all that Hollywood knows what's good for you.
Nothing like sequel to an expensive "B" movie to begin with - honestly there was nothing different of the plot of the first Basic Instinct from your average Shannon Tweed "erotic thriller" except that B.I. had "A" list talent, and an ridiculously expensive script. Oh yeah Michael Douglas' flabby ass. Yuck.
Cut to almost 15 years later, Sharon Stone (whom I always thought was way overated) returns as Catherine Trammel- the killer vamp with a penchant for leading on asshole alpha male types and then shanking their dumbasses during copulation, is now living in London, and a suspect on another sex crimes thing-a-ma-plot. Anyway who cares- if you watch the trailer she's trying to stir up those "cool film scenes" from the original by sliking in a chair by slllooowly straddling it....Bwhahahahahahaha!
Look I've got nothing against older women flaunting it- I just love to watch these bitchy diva types like Stone have to shake it to garner attention, and you know it's going to be silly - and you know most of the "unauthorized" bootleg cut of the trailer,(currently on the web) which puts most crap on Cinemax to shame, will only be on the UNRATED DVD.

Lest we forget when H'wood's trying to "turn up the heat" we get skinema classics like "The Color of Night", "Body of Evidence", "Showgirls", and two of Sharon Stone's greats "The Specialist" and "Sliver". The only thing that was hot about Basic Instinct was the score by the late Jerry Goldsmith.
Can't you feel the HEAT?
Check out the Erotic Wackiness: http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/basicinstinct2/
Saw the trailer for this little gem in the theater. Craptastic fits. Actually...I'm not sure how 'tastic' it'll be, but crap...yeah, definitely.
When the DVD comes out, I'm thinking this'll definitely be a hit for bad movie night.
Actually...I take that back. We were laughing pretty hard at the end of the trailer, so. Yeah. Craptastic it is.
Yay Jerry!
And I was beginning to think that nobody remembered him.
I hear that Jerry once took a crap and named it James Horner (Geeky backstory alert!: Jerry and Jimmy "I love my own work" Horner really, REALLY didn't like each other).
Geek-illy yours,
Morrisey's in this!? oh no wait--some guy named David Morrisey. darn.
"Can't you feel the HEAT? "
After watching that trailer, there's hardly enough heat to warm my tea.
It's a shame they didn't go for fun with this, instead of making it a serious thriller. I do think the idea of her in London is a nice set up. They should have gotten the who's who of British cinema, have all kinds of minor roles, cameos etc.
They already got David Thewlis. Get Bob Hoskins and Ian McKellan. Derek Jacobi, Maggie Smith, Robbie Coltrane, Helen Bonham Carter,Anthony Hopkins, John Cleese.
..and Clive Owens as the love interest.
Hey Keegs! How about throwing in Mr. Bean just for laughs! I'd buy THAT for a dollar!
oooooooh comment removed by author...Kewl....
Mr. Bean ,Yahoo Serious, and throw in Roberto Benigni.
still..not as good as SNAKES ON A PLANE!
The folks over at the Razzies must be salivating. They're gonna have plenty of awards to give out next year!
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