From the Writer of "School of Rock", and the Director of "Napoleon Dynamite" comes NACHO LIBRE ! Jack Black plays a Mexican Monk who dreams of becoming a Luchador Wrestler to help the children in his Orphanage...Besides S.O.A.P this'll be the other movie I can't wait for. It opens on June 16th.
Check out the website here http://www.nacholibre.com/
I realize this post is one of the shorter ones I've done but it's been a busy week.
Lori, I've been dying to write on the Premiere 100 Greatest Acting roles post you have (Swayze as Dalton in ROADHOUSE anyone?)
Just saw Donald Fagen @ the Wiltern here in LA, thanks Jay Warnesky for the Freebie tix!
Congrats to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lampone Jr and his new baby boy, Joseph Lampone III
More to come tomorrow...
I heard about this one a while back and thought, y'know...if Devo could make any movie, this would probably have been it.
Those little goat-thing wrestlers are the reason I want to see this.
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