KAYFABE - (adjective) A private languge used by wrestling originated by carneys. Like "pig Latin", it allows people who use it to speak in public about secrets and tricks of the trade without anyone who overhears them will understand what's being said.
See, isn't learning fun ? Now when you watch your next wrestling match you'll understand that the referee isn't actually shouting at Ric Flair to stop poking Hulk Hogan in the eye but actually telling him to either slow down or speed up the match.
JOKE of the DAY : What does an elephant use for a vibrator?
An epileptic

I've been prank calling my buddy MICHAEL GINGOLD one of the editors for FANGORIA magazine, using one of the quotes that the Paul Walker thriller, RUNNING SCARED used on it's one sheet back east: "Quentin Taratino calls Running Scared, movie making straight from the telvis..." whatever that means. Anyway I 'd call say the line in colorful variations, and hang up. I did this for the entire week of 02/28-03/03/2006; at least 3 times a day. One of my best pals back east, freelance writer Chris Poggialli let him in on joke, and I told Mike I'd give Fango a cheap ass plug on this blog, after violating his answering machine like Ray Liotta does to Pia Zadora in the movie with a garden hose while laughing like a maniac in "The LONELY LADY". So there it is, and here's to you Mike Gingold, and that wacky, ass big fur Russian hat you wore when we saw the "JERKY BOYS" 10 years ago...and then we shockingly got cussed out by those 12 year old fucks after the film in the middle of the street.
For more on Fangoria go to their website here:

Other than the fact I just don't really give crap about any of the movies; I'm not saying they're bad, I just didn't have any passionate interest in any of the top five films. My personal favorite movie was "WALK THE LINE"- I never was a Johnny Cash fan but that was a great movie. Upbeat too, without the forced sentimentaility. I'd see "GOOD NIGHT, GOOD LUCK" but I can wait for video.
As for the RAZZIES Jenny McCarthy's "DIRTY LOVE" which lasted as long as Joe Lampone in a gay bar in the theaters, (JL was my great roomate for 5 years here) that's the M'fer of parties I'd go to. Christ, even Hallie Drivin' Berry showed up to pick hers up, which makes me like her more. Even though she let Billy Bob bang her like flame in a windstorm.
Please check out the RAZZIES website here:

ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT get's possibly renewed- Showtime may pick up 24 episodes of what I consider the best sitcom on TV right now. Thank god.
This show was a slow burn for me, it took about 6 episodes to finally get it, but man when you do, it's a treat. Jason Bateman reminds me of a junior Bill Murray, and that's saying a lot.
I don't want to jinx it possibly returning by talking about it anymore.
One final word: WHOOOOOOOOOO!

Is it me or the guy on the Fangoria cover look like the Goonies' Sloth?
Can you give me an example of Kayfabe? Or does this private mystery wrestling language need to remain secret, like a UFO governmetnt cover up?
The public needs to know!
[The wrestling truth is out there!]
p.s. did you know it ain't easy bein' a pimp?
While it's certainly true that it's not easy to be a pimp, try bein' a pimp in the Mutha-effin' DESERT!
-Antonio Faragas (previously known as 'Huggy Bear but more recently known as 'Dry, Gritty Bear')
Huggy Bear's out in YUMA?
"Huggy Bear's out in YUMA?"
.. snitchin' & pimpin' apparently.
Yo bro! Enny brutha wuth hiz fo' foot tall fedora and midget is owt heah in de dezzert! Ware yoo bin, homey?
-Huggy B. (my new "street cred" name)
i heard that there was money to be made pimpin in dat desert....i hear that you gets some decent clients as they come across dat border, clients and possibly some hot new "employees" ;)
Wow...that was a lot of information to take in. Kayfabe...Razzies...Arrested Dev. Cool about that...was sorry to hear it when it got canned. Like Fox really needed to LOSE a good show. Dumbasses. Oh well. Hopefully it's Showtime's gain.
And I agree...good for Halle. She may not be able to drive worth a damn...but at least she's got a sense of humor.
"The War at Home" Fox will keep on the schedule, but a multiple Emmy winner for writing and acting, Arrested Development gets the axe.
Hopefully Showtime will keep it around.
Check it out on DVD - I didn't watch it on TV but the DVD's got me hooked.
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