Thursday, June 14, 2007


I didn't think it was possible. But here you have it.

Look for the dude in the Chicken suit...

No, I'm not kidding.

Quite frankly if this were the type of movies I got work on. I'd be happier than a fat man locked in a Baskin Robbins.


Lori said...


Well, the dude ain't no Dalton...but then, let's face it, who else could ever come close? (Maybe Chuck Norris, but that's another thing altogether.) But I give 'em an A for effort...that was pretty friggin' fabulous.

kegn_15 said...

I love the fact that he made a point to take off his shirt, for more manly ass-kicking.

Wish it had Russell "Tuggah" Crowe in it.

TheOneTrueGuy said...

You're right, the guy in the chicken suit is great but I think the blow up doll in the closet is even better!

Chickens, blow-up dolls, and chicks with whips... does it get any better?

I'm not sure.


The blow up doll does add that extra "je ne sais quoi"

TheOneTrueGuy said...

I'd rather have some "loup garou".

Unknown said...

dave and i were rolling over this one. jmar started to laugh too!

what a good little girl! :D