Wednesday, February 22, 2006

'Nuff Said!


kegn_15 said...

i heard he shoots blanks

Lori said...

Yeah...better be wearin' your kevlar around that guy.

Lori said...

It's a simple truth... Dicks are made for shootin'!

My only hope is that the lawyer was(still is, I guess) an f'ing Democrat. Getting shot in the face by a rampaging Republican should be considered annual dues for any registered Democrat.

But then again, I live in Arizona, home of the future 10th Circuit Court.

--So not Lori, it'll make your liberal head spin!


Alas, the man Cheney shot is not affliated with the Democratic Party. He too is part of the evil empire of Republicans (I'm an Independent leaning towards Socialism). The fact the news forgot to add is that he's also one of the main lawyers in the Scooter Libby Trial.

But it would've been fun to see the current VP up on charges on 2nd degree involuntary manslaughter, HA! You see rules don't apply when you're part of this administration (NSA go F-yourselves I can't believe Dickie couldn't go out and buy the $7.00 Hunting Stamp that would've alleviated some of this heat. I I guess he didn't make enough blood money at Haliburton.

PS- with all seriousness SUPPORT OUR TROOPS OVER THERE IN IRAQ these assholes in the current administration sure don't.

Lori said...

I confess to not being the biggest George W fan, myself(I refused to vote for either him OR Al "Woody" Gore the first time and, instead opting to write in John McCain. McCain's a career politician as well, so he loses big points for that but he also has a REALLY short temper and basically says what he thinks. The resulting added points pretty much canceled things out in his case... hence a protest vote.

Socialism? Eff that Sh*t! I agree with the independent thing, though. It's just a shame that an "independent" President (in addition to being unelectable) would be a complete and utter disaster as both sides of the big money corporate sham... I mean major political parties... would block everthing that (s)he ever attempted to accomplish just out of pure money-saturated spite.

In short, the one thing that Geo W absolutely needs to be supported on is his somewhat-fuzzy-minded-but-generally-sound-desire to get us back into the REAL space business and cut the crap with the low earth orbit weaniness that's been taking such a gradual toll on our astronaut corps and our expensive 'trucks'.

Personally, I think that the moon is a waste of time and hardware, but if the money guys have decided to take the lead away from the engineers and scientists, well... the DO hold the purse srings. Whatever it takes to "get our asses to Mars", I say (hey, this is a Devo blog-- I HAD to make an Arnold reference)!

--Convolutedly not Lori in a roundabout, meandering way.

Lori said...

Sorry about the typos in the previous post. Blogspot should provide a spell checker for those of us that are too busy masturbating to our weapons collections to take time out to actually proofread a post.

If you still think that this is Lori posting, you should have your head examined.

kegn_15 said...

"low earth orbit weaniness"

I don't know why, but this phrase is fascinating.

Lori said...


Always happy to amaze and otherwise leave you wondering just what the hell THAT was all about!

Seriously, though; that was nowhere near as good as my "mom and dad coming home" and "the cat" comment from ages past, huh?

And let's not forget Michaelangelo workin' on that animated film... right?

--Lori's darker (and most likely pathologically insane) other half.


At this point I think our country should go back to Isolationism, fix up whatever problems we have here: schools, health care, etc., and move forward once our own house is in order, and hopefully all be united and less pessimistic about the future.

I do believe that Space research is important but until the collective consciencousness of our nation becomes much more positive, I think it's going to be hard to have everyone get onboard 100% like it was during the 1960's.

We gotta get those assholes outta Washington DC, and I do respect a maverick like McCain much more than most politicians partly because he doesn't seem to have a personal agenda when it comes to if he were to become president, thus polarizing himself from the Republican blue bloods who intrinsically believe that they inherited the right to run this country.

I was disappointed to see him back up GW during the last election but that's politics.

kegn_15 said...

Sir Not Appearing as Lori on this Blog--

Yes, "low earth orbit weaniness' doesn't have the same shock value as the "kid & the cat" description. I don't think it ever will, but it's still impressive because you've managed to stupefy on a blog when you usually do in person. Congratualtions!

Lori said...


"Awards and honors already at the tender age of 40", thanks! (apologies in advance for the intentional misquote from 'A Christmas Story', but considering today's news I thought it semi-appropriate... Long live Darrin McGavin!).

--Sir Not Appearing as Lori on this Blog (love that one!)