Saturday, June 03, 2006

6 Dumb Questions with Emily Dvi-Vardhana

My daughter Emily Renee Dvi-Vardhana was born into this nutty world on May 18th 2006 via C-Section at 4:20pm PST.
Unlike your children, my kid can talk, and wax intellectual about a variety of topics. I am a little disappointed that she didn't have three arms like baby Zie-Zie and furthermore, red hair like her mom, but she did score 2200 on her baby S.A.T.S and speaks jive.

Q:You wanted your momma Shelley to get sliced,diced and gutted like a Bass instead of being born through the happiest place on Earth...Why?

ED:Well, the Doctors later realized that I had a stupid cord wrapped around my neck (I was trying out bungee jumping) so the C-section was inevitable. Plus I had just had a taco which didn't agree with me; and it lead to me taking a giant crap inside my old apartment. So it was kind of like swimming at the New Jersey shore.

Q: You read a lot of novels while your were in the joint for 9 months. What was your favorite book and author?

ED: I really recommend GOODNIGHT, GORILLA by Peggy Rathman; WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS by Shel Silverstein; but my favorite book by far was The BEST OF PEANUTS by Charles Shultz. That Lucy's a bitch! I didn't like the DaVinci code.

Q: What's you're favorite toy?

ED: That's a no brainer- it's my mommy doll.

Q:Do you have a problem with wearing socks?

ED: No comment.

Q: What's you're favorite song / music ?

ED:I like the Baby Einstien anthology collection, the score to the film THE INCREDIBLES, but my dad puts me to sleep with ZZ TOP (no joke)

Q:If you were a Muppet which one would you be?

ED: R2-D2...oh wait that's not a muppet....uh...oh yeah, SUPERGROVER!

Photo Credits: Ansel Adams, and Pompeo Possar


Lori said...

Aww. Love the pictures. What a cutie.

Hey Em...I totally agree. Lucy is a total b*tch. I always wished that Peppermint Patty would've beaten her a** to a pulp on behalf of her good friend Chuck.

Anonymous said...

She speaks jive!?
Slap me some skin! Right on! That will come in handy if she needs to translate 'jive' for people [think Airplane]

The kid's got great taste. Super Grover kicks ass! Elmo Schmelmo.

the 'Godmother'

Unknown said...

our kiddo isn't out of the joint yet, but she sends a message:

don't mess with jersey, or we will have to settle this east coast style! i may be a california babe, but i know where my roots lie...

'nuff said, you jive talkin baby!