Thursday, July 06, 2006

GAMECOCK - The Superhero

*****UPDATED : 6/08/06 ******


Long story short, has anyone ever heard of a superhero named the GAMECOCK? Apparently a good friend of mine thinks there is one. (They'll be referred to hereforth as Dembugs.

While me and my college buddies were waiting on line to go see Superman Returns, my friend Dembugs turns to me and says "Hey Devo, have you heard of a new superhero named The GAMECOCK?" Puzzled, I retort, "Uh no, I haven't and I never thought that I hear the words GAMECOCK ever uttered out of your mouth." Ironically enough I've got a toilet mouth, but I never put those two word together ever in my life.

Needless to say everyone started asking her what the hell a GAMECOCK Superhero was, much to our amusement- which also brought on quizzical stares from other moviegoers on the line, and making her amusingly, and embarassingly redder in the process.

Like pretending that Joe Rocco's Gay, in the '90's will be like asking Dembugs what the hell a GAMECOCK is in the Aught's...

What the hell do we call this decade anyway?


Anonymous said...

I tell you there is one
google "gamecock marvel comic"
he's a foe of Captain America. Was killed off in a ECW style smackdown in South America. Killed by some douchebag called"Puma"

It's the truth , I ain't some douchebag of the streets;)


Anonymous said...

sorry , "dembugs"

TheOneTrueGuy said...

I'm starting to get the feeling that "douchebag" is the Keegster's favorite word now.

I'm humbled.

Lori said...

Dembugs! Dembugs is right! Check it out!

Unknown said...

you have all been KEEG-ED!!!!! LOLOLOL

Lori said...

Say, Jim! That's a...really stupid out-FIT!!

kegn_15 said...

I love this--



TheOneTrueGuy said...

I, like Sam, am speechless.

kegn_15 said...