Friday, May 04, 2007

Bootlegging a Bootlegger...

So not to seem like I'm bragging but the "Pulp Fiction Jedi Edition" parody I created has had almost 80,000 views, which kicks ass.

It's even been "swiped" (with no credit sent to me) by a dude on YouTube named "bmfwallets". I checked out his "channel" and he sells replicas of Jules wallets with the BMF logo on it and has scenes from Pulp Fiction uploaded to YouTube. I commented on it and he was nice enough to leave it up.

But, the one that's got me a little steamed is this one:

I think that the parody is fantastic but my jaw dropped when I saw the Eric Stoltz bit, because it was my joke.

Now, I'm generally pretty liberal with copying but this was the first time someone copied off my paper, and truth be told, right now it sucks. But going forward if that becomes the signature gag for all Pulp Fiction parodies later on, then so be it, that's kinda cool.

So should I be bitching about getting swiped and copied off of copyrighted material, intellectual property from two of the most litidgeous companies (Disney / Lucasfilm) out there? I look at my bank account and I say thee nay young Skywalker....

However on a cool note "Pulp Fiction, Jedi Edition" did make # 3 on some other blogger's list (where I found the Muppet Parody :

Even cooler is that link came from the GORILLA MASK site which I have a link to on the side bar.

So onto more parodies that someone else can steal...


kegn_15 said...

Why didn't they go with Scooter as Stoltz? He would have been perfect.

kegn_15 said...

No wait..never mind , he's in there in the beginning.

Lori said...

Oh my god...get outta my head, man! I just saw this vid today...AOL was pushing it on their video site. It ain't bad, but yours was a helluva lot better.

Sucks to have the inferior copy getting so much buzz...but I guess at the very least, y'know what they say about imitation.

TheOneTrueGuy said...

Damn dude! Did you make the appropriate Ned Beatty/pig noises when you first saw it or what?

You been raped!!!!!

Oh well, like Lori said; imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Not to mention the easiest thing to do.

Unknown said...

need any lube to help make it feel better?

Unknown said...

oh and btw, hapy b-day devo. sorry we missed out:( being in the hospital sucks!